The following actions will be considered misconduct and a violation of the Code of Conduct at PNY Trainings(Institute).
a. Expressions of racial, religious, ethnic or gender bias, or discrimination based on these factors, directed at individuals or groups.
b. Unequal treatment demeaning of another person for reasons including but not limited to race, gender, creed, or origin.
PNY Trainings has zero-tolerance for any form of aggressive behavior such as harassment,stalking, or ragging activities. Misconduct of this type includes, but is not limited to:
a. Stalking, which refers to a pattern of unwanted and persistent pursuit and intrusion into the life of another person, such as following them around, appearing uninvited at their place of residence,employment, or education, as well as making other attempts to contact the other person, who clearly does not desire it.
b. Harassment is in which the purpose is to humiliate, discomfit, or otherwise psychologically torment or provoke someone,whether through words, gestures, or actions.
c. Sexual harassment, which is any unwelcome sexual advance, request for sexual favors or other verbal or written communication or physical conduct of a sexual nature, or sexually demeaning attitudes, causing interference with work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment, or the attempt to punish the complainant for refusal to comply to such a request or is made a condition for employment.Sexual harassment may involve the behavior of a person of either sex against a person of the opposite or same sex.
d. Hazing or Ragging, which constitutes initiationrituals that involve abuse and that humiliate and violate the dignity of another person.
e. Physical assault includes not just beating,punching, kicking but any aggressive physical contact such as pushing and shoving.
f. Any other act that endangers human life, or threatens serious physical or psychological injury.
a. Theft of, misappropriation of, interference with, or damage to any property of the PNY Trainings or property of others while on Institute’s premises or at official functions on behalf of PNY Trainings. For instance, unauthorized use or alteration of any emergency devices; unauthorized use of institute’s premises, services, devices or any other services.
The unauthorized possession, storage, use or threat of use of firearms, ammunition,explosives, fireworks, firecrackers or other weapons.
a.Possession or consumption of opiates, cocaine,marijuana, hashish, alcoholic beverages or other intoxicating substances is strictly prohibited in the premises of PNY Trainings.
b. Offering to sell or obtain these substances.
c. Being part of a group or circle of students where these substances are being used/consumed.
violations of this category includes but not limited to the following:
a. Providing false written or oral information to
b. Providing forged documents to the institute.
c. Providing false identification to an official of the Institute.
d. Providing false financial information for the purpose of obtaining any concession or financial aid.
e. Forgery, alteration, or misuse of any official document, record, key, electronic device, or identification.
f. Signing a document with someone else’s name, initials or signature.
g. Financial misappropriation.
h. Misrepresentation, or false statement of fact.
Deliberately accusing a person or an organization of misconduct, with knowledge that this allegation is false.
a. Disrupting or obstructing the normal operations or activities of the Institute
b. A demonstration which substantially disrupts the normal operations
c. Inciting others to substantially disrupt the normal operations of the Institute
d. Disorderly conduct, including failure to comply the directions of faculty or staff of the Institute.
e. Discourteous or rude behavior with faculty or staff of the Institute.
All students should refrain from being noisy while in the premises of the institute as this may disturb the ongoing classes.
Behavior,action, speech, or distribution of material that is deemed obscene or abusive.
Deliberately causing or making a false report of an emergency. Some examples are false reports of a fire or a crime.
a. Extending your access rights by lending your card to someone else.
b. Borrowing or unauthorized possession of someone else’s identification.
c. Helping other people, who are otherwise not allowed to enter in the premises
d. Failure to report loss of identification card to the authorities’
e. Tampering with devices and instruments of identification, for example, identification cards, access control hardware or surveillance devices.
All members have a shared responsibility to keep the Institute clean. This means no littering in the premises of the institute, inside or outside classrooms. Trashcans are placed at several locations. All members are urged to use these trashcans
Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the premises of PNY Trainings.
The Institute provides several forms of computing and information technology resources for the advancement of education, research, service and administration. Misuse of computing and information technology resource simplies using them for some other purpose, which includes, but is not limited to:
a. Unauthorized access to a computing or information technology resource.
b. Exchange of passwords: Obtaining the password of an account without the owner’s consent or sharing of PNY password with another person.
c. Knowingly performing an act that will interfere with the normal operations of a computing or information technology resource,merely for the purpose of disrupting its normal operation. Intentional introduction of a computer virus, worm or Trojan horse.
d. Knowingly attempting to circumvent security infrastructure, or discovering or exploiting security loopholes without seeking permission to do so.
e. Use of computing or information technology resources to harass, intimidate, threaten, or discriminate against someone, or to knowingly access or distribute content that is obscene or sexually explicit.
f. Masking the identity of an account or a computing resource.
g. Attempting to monitor or tamper with another user's electronic communications, or reading, copying, changing, or deleting another user's files or software without the explicit agreement of the owner.
h. Attempting to read or access another person’s email, files or communications, without their consent.
i. Intentional damage to computing or information technology resources or data.
:Helping, encouraging, or forcing another to violate any of the rules and guidelines mentioned in any part of this Code of Conduct may also be considered an offence that may carry up to the same punishment as the original offence.
Any act by a student,alumnus or student organization which occurs on campus, or off-campus but while representing PNY Trainings, which is a violation of law according to Pakistan Penal Code or other applicable law. PNY Trainings reserves the right to conduct disciplinary proceedings even if litigation is pending or concluded in a court of law. The Institute may also refer any violation of law to Police or other judicial authorities.
Any form of non-compliance of disciplinary proceedings or an attempt to subvert the disciplinary process.
Official leaves are subject to approval by the competent authority. Leave(s) will be granted only if a prior notice with proper justification has been submitted. Failing to comply can lead to an action by the concerned authorities.